Arizona Reservation Ministries (ARM)
Based on the San Carlos Apache Reservation, Globe, AZ
ARM is based upon just two principals; the first, is to “let GOD lead.” With HIM at the helm, adventures unfold often… and miraculously!
The second principal is based upon Exodus chapter 17. In the story written there, Moses’ ARMs are raised as God instructed, and Israel is winning the battle in the valley below against the Amelekites. Because Moses is human, his ARMs got tired. Aaron and Hur sat him on a rock, and helped hold up his ARMs so that the people of Israel might be victorious.
We provide God’s ARMs around the San Carlos Apache Reservation. Those ARMs provide the shoulder for someone to cry on. The hands to pray, provide food, clothing, build a new home or remodel a broken one, help a child learn to rollerblade, baptize them, sort school items, stuff backpacks and Christmas stockings, serve food and pray over Apache pastors and their wives, and much…. much more.
So… what do we do? Provide our ARMs, as well as our hearts as God leads, to come alongside the San Carlos Apache Nation so that they will know of God’s great love for them, and add their ARMs to this process as well. We are keenly aware of the concept formulated so well in the book entitled, “When Helping Hurts.” All that we do must flow from God’s leading, restoring the dignity our Native brothers and sisters most certainly deserve.
Missions Committee Prayer Partner: Kim Millhouse